以下是成龙在Twitter以英语写出的留言:“HK is a nation built by a lot of different people. Don’t worry! We do not hate! (香港是一个多种族的社会,别担心,我们没有憎恨!)”他又感慨:“If they killed the guy sooner, they will say why not negotiate first? If they negotiate first, they ask why not kill the guy sooner? So sad.(如果警方一早击毙枪手,人们会说怎么不先谈判?但若果先谈判,人们又会问怎么不早些杀掉枪手?令人难过。)”
最后又写道:“This kind of things always happen around the world. It happened to HK’s people. The whole HK is talking about it. It’s really sad.(这样的事在世界各地经常发生,它发生在香港人身上,全香港也在讨论这事,真的令人很难过。)”